6 - Language Dictionary
NOTE: The Agilent MCCD must be configured for remote voltage sensing to perform output
probe testing. No output probe tests are performed if local voltage sensing is configured.
int cfSetOutputProbeTest(CF_HANDLE server, float resistance);
Sets the resistance limit which is used when the output probes are tested during a forming
sequence. The server argument can be either a handle to a group obtained by cfOpenGroup, or a
handle to all cells in the instrument if no groups are defined. The resistance of the output probes
is measured periodically during forming as long as the voltage difference between the power and
sense probes is greater than 50mV. If the probe resistance is higher than the value set, the cell is
marked as a failure. Automatic checking of output probe resistance is disabled by sending the
resistance value of CF_INFINITY.
CAUTION Direct output control should not be used for charging cells. There is no protection
against overcharging when using direct output control. Use this mode only for
diagnostic and debugging purposes.
int cfSetOutputState(CF_HANDLE server, CF_OUTPUT_STATE state);
Set the output state for diagnostic or debugging purposes. The server argument can be either a
handle to a group obtained by cfOpenGroup, or a handle to all cells in the instrument if no
groups are defined.
A state value of CF_OUTPUT_OFF sets the output state of the cell to OFF.
CF_OUTPUT_CHARGE sets the output so that is can supply charge.
CF_OUTPUT_DISCHARGE sets the output so that it can discharge (sink current) In the off
state, the channel outputs are open-circuited and supply no current. In both the charge and
discharge states, the channel outputs are controlled by cfSetVoltage and cfSetCurrent.
Agilent MCCD outputs can be directly controlled for diagnostic and debugging purposes without
defining a sequence of steps and tests. Direct output control commands can only be used in the
CF_IDLE state. Voltage, current, and output state settings are set on all outputs simultaneously.
Whenever the unit leaves the CF_IDLE state, settings are reset to their power-on values.
See Also
cfGetOutputState, cfSetVoltage, cfSetCurrent