G - 11
PROBLEM: Foot pedal operates harder than normal or the blade sticks.
REMEDY: a. Apply a light film of Silicone spray to blade.
b. Check closet bolt tightness. If closet bolts are over tightened,
the mechanism may be distorted.
PROBLEM: Bowl will not hold water; i.e., water leaks from bowl down into the
holding tank.
REMEDY: Using a bent screwdriver or similar object, scrape the groove in
front of the mechanism blade. Generally paper or other foreign
material is lodged in this groove, causing the leak.
CAUTION: Use care not to damage the blade seal. Always make certain that the tool
is under the lip of the seal, not above it.
The tool can easily be made by bending a coat hanger or screwdriver over about 7/8”.
If the bowl-sealing blade does not operate freely after extended use, it may be restored
to its original, smooth operating condition by applying a light film of silicone spray
to the blade. To clean the toilet use Thetford Aqua Bowl or any other high grade,
non-abrasive cleaner. Do not use highly concentrated or high acid content household
cleaners. They may damage the rubber seals.
1. Shut off water valve behind toilet or main water supply.
2. Disconnect water supply line from toilet. You will probably find a small mirror
very useful.
3. Depress pedal and remove nut located in pedal recess.
4. Reach behind toilet and remove nut on opposite side of base from pedals. In some
situations you may want to remove the plug in top of the seat designed to give
access from above to this nut.
NOTE: Always replace flange seal when toilet has been removed.
Draining Method
Disconnect water supply line at water valve. Completely drain the water supply line
before winter storage.
CAUTION: To avoid damage, when using air pressure to blow water from the
lines, be sure toilet valve is in the open position.
CAUTION: If water is frozen in the toilet, do not attempt to flush until with the
ice thaws.
CAUTION: Never use automotive type antifreeze.
For Thetford service centers: USA 1-800-521-3032
Canada: 1-888-215-5410