H - 9
Solar Panel Pre-Wire
The Interstate Motorhome is pre-wired for the addition of a solar panel.
Locations for solar panel pre-wire:
* Charge Controller hook up - four 10 gauge wires, red, black, green, yellow
are located behind tank monitor panel on the galley roof locker.
* Rooftop Solar Panel pre-wire - two 10 gauge wires, green (-), yellow (+) are
located under roadside sofa to the left of the furnace.
* Charge Controller to Battery pre-pre-wire - two 10 gauge wires, red (+), black
(-) are located under roadside at the battery disconnect solenoid forward
end of the roadside sofa.
The yellow and green wires start at the aft side of the roadside sofa location and end
at the monitor panel. The red and black wires start at the monitor panel and end at the
forward end of the roadside sofa near the Battery Disconnect switch
The radio system is designed to work on the vehicle ignition system during travel or the
12 volt coach system while camping. Instructions for the radio system are supplied in
the owner’s packet.
Standard Package - The radio and the two rear speakers are supplied and installed by
Airstream. The dash speakers are supplied and installed by the chassis manufacturer.
Upgrade package - Airstream removes the standard chassis dash speakers and re-
places them with upgraded speakers and adds a powered subwoofer with the Audio
Upgrade option.
NOTE: The radio subwoofer speaker in the Audio Upgrade package is powered by the
12 volt coach system only and will not operate unless the Battery Disconnect switch
is on.
The radio and speakers supplied and installed by Airstream are warranted by
Airstream’s supplier and must be returned to Airstream’s supplier or an authorized
repair and service center if repairs are needed under warranty. Please contact your
dealer or Airstream Customer Service for warranty information if the radio system
requires warranty service. We may be able to direct you to a local service point for
The dash speakers supplied by the chassis manufacturer are serviced and warranted
by the chassis authorized service locations.