I - 6
2083 S. Almont Ave.
Imlay City, MI 48444
1-810 724 3818
1-800 521 0298
The optional high-volume roof vent system is designed to quickly exhaust stale, hot air
and draw in fresh air. It’s great to use when the outside temperature really doesn’t call
for air conditioning, but heat has built up in your coach.
1. Rotate 3-speed switch to desired position, 0-off, 1, 2, and 3. The 3-speed switch
must be set at 1, 2 or 3 to activate appliance.
2. Rotate thermostat knob toward 40° (cooler) until dome begins operating.
3. To determine desired temperature setting:
a. Use the wall thermometer on furnace thermostat, or any interior temperature
b. Operate fan until interior comfort level is achieved. Rotate thermostat knob
toward 110' symbol on label until dome begins closing. You now have the location
for normal setting.
The thermostat sensor is calibrated approximately 4°. This minimizes rapid recycling
of the unit, once desired temperature level is achieved.
4. The rain sensor built into your fan will prevent excessive rain from entering coach
through the open dome. Maintain a setting above (to the right of) "rain override"
zone and the dome will close when the sensor becomes wet.
CAUTION: Do not leave coach unattended with thermostat knob set in the
“rain override” zone.
5. A rain sensor override is built into this system so you can operate your fan during
light to moderate rains. When sensor is wet, rotate fan thermostat knob to cool-
est position to override sensor. Dome will open and fan motor will start. When
sensor has completely dried, rotate thermostat knob back to desired setting for
automatic operation.
6. To close dome in extremely hot conditions, rotate thermostat knob right, past 110º
symbol to off. Dome will come down.
7. Always allow dome to completely cycle up and down. If dome “hangs up”
in partially open/close position, rotate thermostat knob to extreme right and
then left position allowing complete cycles down and up. Now reset to original
comfort level.
8. When vehicle is in storage, rotate thermostat knob to right (off), after dome closes,
turn 3 speed switch to “O” (off).
1) Turn fan motor OFF.
2) Remove 8 painted flat head Philips screws around perimeter of screen insert only.
3) Clean screen with soap & water solution and reinstall.