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Office environment
The mailbox is installed using the administration
menu. During first consultation the name must be
recorded and a password entered. Name and passĆ
word can't be changed by the owner. The password
must only be used for remote consultation.
Message receipt You can check whether the message, you have sent
to a subscriber, has been listened to.
Message replySubscribers can send the response to a voice
message directly into the sender's mailbox.
Name Each subscriber records his name when he is
initializing his mailbox.
Notification The Alcatel 4610 IV informs you when messages
have arrived
in your mailbox by calling you on any phone speciĆ
fied by you.
Personal Password
The personal password ensures privacy by protectĆ
ing the mailbox against misuse by another person.
Administration Password
The administration password protects the used
Alcatel 4610 IV configuration against misuse by
another person.
Send Copy You can send a copy of a message to another mailĆ
box, to a distribution list or broadcast it. The system
asks you to record an introduction to the message
before the copy is sent.
Subscriber The person who owns a standard mailbox.
Telephone system The Alcatel 4610 IV is part of the Alcatel Office
telephone system.
Timestamp You can request information on time and date when
the message arrived in your mailbox.
Voice Mail The part of the Alcatel 4610 IV which processes
voice messages