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Select Language
B The administrator can select the language for the following recordings
- AA (Automated Attendant)
- Good-bye
- Infoboxes/Audiotex
- Outgoing call notifications.
Default, when entering administration menu, is the primary language.
Before recording of one of the above mentioned announcements the
administrator has first to choose in the 'Select language' menu the de-
sired language. Then, without leaving the administration menu, the
recording of e.g. the 'Main menu' is done in the language, which
corresponds to the selected one.
The choice of the selected language remains unchanged until another
language is selected or until leaving the administration menu.
When entering the administration menu without selection of a language
all recordings are per default for the primary language.
This is the language which is - in case of multilingual AA - offered as
option 1 to the caller. If the caller does not select the language, the
primary language is used.