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4 Voice Mail Functions
The Alcatel 4610 IV provides different mailbox modes
- standard mode
- guest mode
- answer only mode
and two areas of voice communication
- voice mail and
- voice messaging.
Standard mode mailbox
This mode provides a standard set of functions.
Guest mode mailbox
This mode provides a basic set of functions. These are to record mesĆ
sages for the guest and play them one by one when he consults his
mailbox. A password is only necessary when the guest consults from reĆ
Answer only mailbox
This mode provides an announcement i.e the personal greeting of the
mailbox owner to the caller but do not record messages.
Voice mail
The voice mail functionality can help you to keep in touch with your cusĆ
tomer, even when you are not in your office. He can leave you a mesĆ
sage. Privacy is guaranteed because only the mailbox owner can consult
his mailbox.
The greeting, which is played to the caller can be recorded and changed
by the owner himself and can therefore give additional informations to
the caller.
Voice messaging
The voice messaging functionality offers a new dimension of internal
communication. Communication of teams is supported by the option of
sending a copy of a message to other team members. Distribution lists
allow fast transfer of voice information to several team members at