6. Calibrate the YIG Frequency Linearizer DACs as
At the
$ prompt, type: calterm 127 and
press <ENTER>.
b. Follow the instructions on the screen. Enter
the value of the frequency counter reading as
c Record step completion on the Test Record.
7. Calibrate the 100 MHz Reference Oscillator as
a. If Option 16 (High Stability Time Base) is in
stalled, disconnect the cable at A3J6.
b. Connect the frequency counter to the 682XXB/
683XXB RF output connector.
At the
$ prompt, type: calterm 130 and
press <ENTER>.
d. Follow the instructions on the screen.
e. Reconnect the cable to A3J6, if removed.
f. If Option 16 is installed, use a Phillips screw-
driver and remove the screw on top of the
10 MHz High Stability Crystal Oscillator as-
sembly to gain access to the timebase adjust-
ment screw.
g. Using the Phillips screwdriver, adjust the ti
mebase to obtain a frequency counter reading
of exactly 10 GHz.
h. Record step completion on the Test Record.
8. Calibrate the Ramp Center DAC as follows:
At the
$ prompt, type: calterm 129 and
press <ENTER>. (The
$ prompt will appear on
the screen when the calibration is complete.)
b. Record step completion on the Test Record.
9. Calibrate the Sweep Width DAC as follows:
At the
$ prompt, type: calterm 133 and
press <ENTER>. (This calibration can take ap
proximately 2 minutes to complete.)
$ prompt will appear on the screen when
the calibration is complete.
b. Record step completion on the Test Record.
682XXB/683XXB MM 4-15
Because the 100 MHz Calibration
DAC is an 8-bit DAC, adjustment
resolution is typically 400 Hz/step.