A-86 682XXB/683XXB MM
3-14 Pulse Modulation Tests: Rise Time, Fall Time, Overshoot, and Level (Continued)
Pulse Level Accuracy (5 GHz, Pulse Width = 0.5 ms)
Lower Limit Measured Value Upper Limit
Set F1 to 5.0 GHz
Set pulse width W1 to 5.0 s
Record the displayed output level L1 (step 5.b)
Record the displayed output level L1 (step 5.d)
_______ dBm
_______ dBm
Calculate and record the pulse level error
–1.0 dB _______ dB +1.0 dB
Pulse Level Accuracy (5 GHz, Pulse Width = 5.0 ms)
Set F1 to 5.0 GHz
Set pulse width W1 to 5.0 s
Record the displayed output level L1 (step 5.b) ....................
Record the displayed output level L1 (step 5.d) ....................
_______ dBm
_______ dBm
Calculate and record the pulse level error.............. –0.5 dB _______ dB +0.5 dB
3-15 Pulse Modulation Test: Video Feedthrough
Test Procedure
Lower Limit Measured Value Upper Limit
Set F1 to 5.0 GHz
Set pulse width W1 to 5.0 s
Set PRI (period) to 0.01 ms
Measure and record the Video Feedthrough voltage spikes
–10 mV _______ mV +10 mV
RECORD 68255B/68355B