When the DAC has been adjusted, press
Q on
the keyboard to exit the program. (If the in
strument has a Down Converter installed, you
will be returned to the start of the program to
perform this calibration for frequencies of
>2 GHz.)
When the DAC has been completely adjusted,
the program will exit to the
$ prompt.
e. Record step completion on the Test Record.
3. Perform Log AM calibration as follows:
At the
$ prompt, type: calterm 113 and
press <ENTER>.
b. Set the function generator’s output ±0.20 volts.
Use the COMPL button to toggle the output
between –0.20 volts and +0.20 volts.
c. On the computer keyboard, use 1, 2, or 3 to in-
crement and 8, 9, and 0 to decrement the value
of the DAC’s setting to obtain a 10.00 dB differ-
ence in the power meter’s reading when the
function generator’s output is toggled.
When the DAC has been adjusted, press
Q on
the keyboard to exit the program. (If the in-
strument has a Down Converter installed, you
will be returned to the start of the program to
perform this calibration for frequencies of
>2 GHz.)
When the DAC has been completely adjusted,
the program will exit to the
$ prompt.
e. Record step completion on the Test Record.
4. Perform AM Meter calibration as follows:
At the
$ prompt, type: calterm 147 and
press <ENTER>.
b. Set up the Function Generator fora1kHz
sinewave with an output level of 0.354 volts
RMS (1 volt peak to peak). When done, press
any key on the keyboard to continue calibra
$ prompt will appear on the screen when
the calibration is complete.
c. Record step completion on the Test Record.
682XXB/683XXB MM 4-35
To save the calibration data after
completing any calibration step,
calterm 787 and press