The number one enemy of a motor is
heat. Overheating always re s u l t s
whenever there is a lack of clean, continually-circ u l a t i n g
air for a motor. Heat can damage a motor’s windings,
insulation, bearing lubricant and run capacitor. In short ,
heat can quickly decrease the service life of a motor.
R e m e m b e r, proper ventilation is always a crucial consid-
eration when installing a motor.
If at all possible, install a motor in a location that is
f r ee of dirt, dust or airborne debris, such as leaves.
Indoors is best, but not in areas with high humidity,
such as a laundry room or shower area. If the motor is
installed outdoors, try to choose a shady spot that’s pro-
tected from leaves and grass clippings. If you cover the
motor to protect it from possible debris or water, be
s u re to leave enough space between the cover and the
motor for adequate ventilation.
A.O. Smith single phase pool and spa motors
f e a t u r e a thermal overload protector that will shut down
the motor if it overheats. As the windings begin to cool
down, the overload protector will automatically re - s t a rt
the motor. Blocked ventilation or an overload condition
can cause the motor to shutdown on a repeated basis.
If a problem cannot be located or if tripping continues
after a noted problem is corrected, contact the original
equipment contractor for a recommendation on
matching motor horsepower to the pump.
T I P : In situations where the ambient temperature is
exceptionally hot, utilizing an E-Plus (High Efficiency)
motor in place of a standard efficient motor can
p r event the overload protector from nuisance tripping.
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