Replacements for every brand. Every now and then
you probably come across a motor that’s beyond re p a i r.
When you do, remember that A.O. Smith manufacture s
replacement pool and spa motors for practically every
brand you’ll ever encounter in the field. So save yourself
some time and eff o rt and just ask for Century first — at
any A.O. Smith distributor or dealer. Century motors are as
rugged as any you’ll find, but keep in mind that all motors
need service and maintenance at one time or another.
Safety first. Remember, before you begin to work on
any electrical appliance be sure to TURN OFF THE
POWER. The only time you’ll need the power on is
when you check motor voltage and amperage. If you over-
look this important guideline, someday you could unex-
pectedly get a real charge out of your work! Always play it
safe — double-check to be certain that the power is off
b e f o r e you start to work on a pool or spa motor.
If you have any suggestions or would like more
i n f o r mation about a particular subject, please write
or call:
A.O. Smith
531 North Fourth Stre e t
Tipp City, OH 45371
8 0 0 - 5 4 3 - 9 4 5 0