2 0
voltage is within the proper range, check for
continuity through the pro t e c t o r.
5 .Check for overloading from other appliances on
the same circuit as the motor.
6 .Inspect the motor windings for continuity.
7 .If voltage is proper at terminals and the motor is
cold, remove the motor and take it to a A.O. Smith
Authorized Service Center.
MOTOR FAILS TO STA RT (hums, tries to start, blows
fuse or trips bre a k e r )
1 .Check the motor connections after TURNING OFF
2 .Check the voltage (see #5 above) as the motor tries
to start. If voltage is too low, look for undersized
wiring, an overloaded circuit or a burned start
w i n d i n g .
3 .If the voltage is proper at terminals and motor is
hot, TURN OFF THE POWER and allow the motor to
cool to ambient temperature then reapply power.
If the motor starts then shuts down, you have an
overload. Check the amp draw at the motor
t e rminal and compare it to amps shown on the
motor nameplate. If the amp draw is greater then
the nameplate current, check for impeller rub in the
pump or a tight seal. If this fails to correct the
p r oblem, remove the motor from pump and take to
a A.O. Smith Authorized Service Center.
4 .Check the capacitor but first — TURN OFF THE
POWER. After removing the capacitor from the
m o t o r, discharge it by laying an insulated
s c r ewdriver across its terminals. Check the