One Memory Card on RamKeeper
If you want to attach only one card to the
RamKeeper, you will, in most cases, want to plug it
into the Back Pocket™. This keeps slot 7 clear.
Use the drawing below to help you determine if you
can use the Back Pocket for your card or, if not,
which connector you'll need to connect it to the
front side of the RamKeeper.
Slot Mover Back Pocket
All GS-RAM cards GS-RAM REV C or later
(including 2 Meg Expander) GS-RAM Plus REV 0 or later
Apple IIGS Memory Expansion Card GS-RAM 2 Meg Expander
RamPak 4GS Apple IIGS Memory Expansion
Card RamPak 4GS
RamStackPlus RamStackPlus
OnBoard Front Connector OnBoard
OctoRam All GS-RAM cards * Due to its large size,
(except 2 Meg Expander) OctoRam will not fit on the
back side of RamKeeper
Single Card Options
Plus REV A cards require the optional SlotMover
to keep slot 7 clear. The REV A cards have the
silver pins extending from the black connector on
the back side of the card just above the edge
connector. If placed in the back pocket, these pins
keep the card from fitting properly between the
RamKeeper and the right side of the IIGS case.
Although it is possible to cram the REV As into
the Back Pocket, the pins may hit the metal of the
computer case and short out the board(s).
* OctoRam Note: Due to its large size, OctoRam
will not fit on the back side of RamKeeper. If
you're connecting an OctoRam to the front side of
the card, the last two memory rows must be
empty. So, if you’re using 256K chips, you can
only have 1.5 Meg of the card filled, If you’re
using I Meg chips, you can have only 6 Meg filled.
2 RamKeeper