
Result: Slower copies.
Remedy: Create a 512K or 800K RAM Disk.
This allows you to copy from floppy disks to a RAM Disk
much more quickly. To set up a 512K or an 800K RAM
Disk, follow the instruction in your IIGS User’s Guide.
RAM and the GS Control Panel
You may notice that the actual size shown next to RAM
Disk size in the Control Panel-RAM Disk menu is
smaller than the Minimum RAM Disk Size. This is
because RamKeeper overrides the GS Control Panel’s
RAM Disk allocation. For example, if you set your
Minimum RAM Disk Size to 800K in the RAM Disk
menu, but only leave 256K for use as a RAM Disk in the
AE RamKeeper’s - Initialize ROM Disk or change
ROM Disk Size menus, the actual size of the RAM Disk
will be 256K.
This causes no particular problems -- as mentioned
earlier, you’ll want to use most of your memory as ROM
Disk space anyway -- we just wanted to point it out for
those who might wonder.
38 RamKeeper