The current enhancement-options configuration will be
read from the parameter file (SEG.PR) on the AppleWorks
program disk and displayed in the Getting Started option
menu. The configuration shown contains the default
settings. These default settings remain in effect until you
change them and save the new configuration back to the
AppleWorks program disk.
Getting Started
1. Maximum Records/Lines (RW) 12,000
2. Preload AppleWorks onto Memory On
3. Printer Buffer(RW) Off
4. suffer Size (GS) 0 K
5. Reserved RamFactor Size (RF) 0 K
6. Time Display Off
7. Save Configuration
8. Continue with AppleWorks
Type number, or use arrows, then press Return 1113K Avail.
The Getting Started options menu
* Note: The options followed by (RW) are for
RamWorks and Z-RAM products only. Those
followed by (RF) apply only to the RamFactor.
(GS) applies to the IIGS only.
Use the up and down arrow keys ( ) to highlight
the option you want. Use to select a highlighted
option. For more information on the options, refer to the
section entitled About the New Features. When you have
made the desired changes, save the new configuration
back to the AppleWorks program disk by selecting the
menu option Save Configuration.
Choose the option, Continue with AppleWorks. If you
didn’t save your new configuration, the new one will be
in effect only until you quit the AppleWorks program.
The next time you boot AppleWorks, the previous (saved)
configuration will be used.
48 RamKeeper