The switch uses only RSA Version 1 for SSHv1.5 clients and DSA Version 2 for
SSHv2 clients.
• Save Host-Key from Memory to Flash – Saves the host key from RAM (i.e.,
volatile memory to flash memory). Otherwise, the host key pair is stored to RAM
by default. Note that you must select this item prior to generating the host-key pair.
• Generate – This button is used to generate the host key pair. Note that you must
first generate the host key pair before you can enable the SSH server on the SSH
Server Settings page.
• Clear – This button clears the host key from both volatile memory (RAM) and
non-volatile memory (Flash).
– Click Security, SSH, Host-Key Settings. Select the host-key type from the
drop-down box, select the option to save the host key from memory to flash (if
required) prior to generating the key, and then click Generate.
Figure 6-5 SSH Host-Key Settings
Configuring the Secure She