
about the target address. If IP routing is disabled, you must define a gateway if
the target device is located in a different subnet.
- If routing is enabled, you can still define a static route using the IP / Routing /
Static Routes screen (see page 19-21) to ensure that traffic to the designated
address or subnet passes through a preferred gateway.
- An IPv6 default gateway can only be successfully set when a network interface
that directly connects to the gateway has been configured on the switch.
IPv6 MTU – Sets the size of the maximum transmission unit (MTU) for IPv6
packets sent on an interface. (Range: 1280-65535 bytes, Default: 1500 bytes)
- If a non-default value is configured, an MTU option is included in the router
advertisements sent from this device. This option is provided to ensure that all
nodes on a link use the same MTU value in cases where the link MTU is not
otherwise well known.
- IPv6 routers do not fragment IPv6 packets forwarded from other routers.
However, traffic originating from an end-station connected to an IPv6 router may
be fragmented.
- All devices on the same physical medium must use the same MTU in order to
operate correctly.
- IPv6 must be enabled on an interface before the MTU can be set.
IPv6 Address Configuration
Configuration Mode – Selects Auto Configuration or Manual Configuration.
Auto Configuration – Enables stateless autoconfiguration of IPv6 addresses on
an interface and enables IPv6 functionality on the interface. The network portion of
the address is based on prefixes received in IPv6 router advertisement messages,
and the host portion is automatically generated using the modified EUI-64 form of
the interface identifier (i.e., the switch’s MAC address).
- If the router advertisements have the “other stateful configuration” flag set, the
switch will attempt to acquire other non-address configuration information (such
as a default gateway) from a DHCP for IPv6 server.
Manual Configuration
– Enables IPv6 on an interface. Note that when an explicit
address is assigned to an interface, IPv6 is automatically enabled, and cannot be
disabled until all assigned addresses have been removed.
IPv6 Address – An IPv6 address can be configured in any of these ways:
- A link-local address can be manually configured by specifying the entire
address in the IPv6 Address field, and selecting the Address Type “Link
Local.” The network prefix length is fixed at 64 bits and cannot be changed.
- A global unicast address can be configured by specifying the network prefix
and the length of the prefix (in the IPv6 Address field), and then selecting the
Address Type “EUI-64” to automatically create the host portion of the address
in the low order 64 bits based on the modified EUI-64 interface identifier.
- A global unicast address can be manually configured by specifying the full
address and network prefix length (in the IP Address field), and selecting the
Address Type “Others.”
Setting the Switch’s IP Address (IP Version 6)