clear ipv6 traffic
This command resets IPv6 traffic counters.
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Command Usage
This command resets all of the counters displayed by the show ipv6 traffic
Console#clear ipv6 traffic
ping ipv6
This command sends ICMP echo request packets to an IPv6 node on the network.
ping ipv6 address {ipv6-address | host-name} [size datagram-size |
repeat repeat-count | data hex-data-pattern | source source-address |
timeout seconds | verbose]
• ipv6-address - The IPv6 address of the device to ping. The address must
be formatted according to RFC 2373 “IPv6 Addressing Architecture,” using
8 colon-separated 16-bit hexadecimal values. One double colon may be
used in the address to indicate the appropriate number of zeros required to
fill the undefined fields.
• host-name - The name the IPv6 device to ping. A host name can be
resolved into an IPv6 address using DNS.
• datagram-size - Specifies the size of the datagram to send in each ping.
(Range: 48 - 18024 bytes)
• repeat-count - The number of pings to send. (Range: 1 - 2147483647)
• hex-data-pattern - The data pattern to send. (Range: 0 - FFFF)
• source-address - The source address or name to include in the ping. This
is normally set to an address assigned to the interface sending the ping.
• seconds - The timeout interval. (Range: 0 to 3600 seconds)
• verbose - Displays detailed output.
Default Setting
repeat - 5
timeout - 2 seconds
Command Mode
Normal Exec - The only command options are count and size.
Privileged Exec - All command options are available.
Basic IP Configuration