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AsantéHub 2072 Network Management Module Installation Guide
Hub Status LEDs
(bottom row of 8 LEDs
per segment)
Provides warning and packet collision data about
the segment (not the module); the first four are
warning LEDs, the second four provide the total
percentage of packet collisions occurring at any
instant on Segment 1 or Segment 2.
LC - Late Collision. A collision which occurs after
the 64 byte Collision window
MC - Misaligned/CRC. This received data frame
was not an integer multiple of eight bits (or one
RF - Runts/Fragments. This frame is greater than
two bytes and less than 64 bytes, has a Start
Frame Delimiter, and has a bad Frame Check
Sequence (CRC) error).
SM - Short Event/Missing SFD. This data frame is
less than ten bytes and does not have a Start
Frame Delimiter.
Out-of-Band LED Flashes when Out-of-Band is in use with the AMS
Link (RJ-45) only. Note: This only functions when
the NMM is in operational mode.
SETUP LED Lights continuously to indicate DB-9/RS232 is
being used for setup (DIP Switch 2 in DOWN
Flashes when management station running AMS is
communicating through the DB-9/RS232 (Out-of-
Band) connection.
(DIP Switch 1)
Terminates the Out-of-Band daisy-chain. The end
hub in the chain must be terminated. If only one
hub is in the chain, set this switch to the DOWN
(DIP Switch 2)
Indicates (switch is set to UP position) RS232 is
being used with AsantéView Out-of-Band.
Switch set to DOWN position indicates RS232 is
used for terminal mode or when AsantéView Out-
of-Band is connected using the RS232 port on the
Select Slot button Lets you select a particular module and then use
the Change Segment button to place the module
on a different segment.
Change Segment button Lets you place the selected module on Segment 1,
Segment 2, or neither segment.
Segment 1 LED Lights to indicate that the module is currently on
Segment 1 of the backplane. Segment 1 is the
default setting. If both Segment LEDs are off, the
module is not connected to either of the two
Name Function