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AsantéHub 2072 Network Management Module Installation Guide
Copy the files to the AMS Images folder on the Macintosh. On the
PC, copy the files to the same directory as the AMS executable
(In-Band or Out-of-Band).
Upgrading the Hub
Image Code
You can download the image code to the hub using either
AsantéView In-Band or Out-of-Band. You do this by selecting the
Software Upgrade command in the Configuration menu. See the
appropriate AsantéView User’s Guide for information on perform-
ing software upgrades.
The following image code versions support Telnet:
❏ version 1.7 or higher for the AsantéHub 2072
Starting Telnet The following instructions show how to start the Telnet applica-
tion and get to the Asanté Remote Management System Main Menu
using a Macintosh computer. The examples show screens for a
Macintosh using NCSA/BYU Telnet version 2.5.
Open the Telnet application by double-clicking its
icon. Figure 13 shows the icon for NCSA/BYU Telnet
version 2.5 on a Macintosh.
Figure 13 Icon for NCSA/BYU Telnet 2.5 (Macintosh)
Choose Open Connection from the File menu. The ses-
sion dialog appears. Figure 14 shows an example.
Select the Session name field and type the IP address
of the hub you want to configure. Figure 14 shows an
example with the IP address already typed in.