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AsantéHub 2072 Network Management Module Installation Guide
System Administration Information
Use to enter and transmit text strings defining the hub name,
contact, and location.
Out-of-Band Parameters
Use to enter and transmit the Out-of-Band baud rate, dial string
to be used when the AMS dials out on a modem, and the
Out-of-Band password. Baud rate changes also will be effective
on the terminal.
The Out-of-Band password applies when you are establishing
an Out-of-Band connection with the hub using AsantéView
Out-of-Band and the RS232 port. See the appropriate Asanté-
View User’s Guide for more information. There is no password
checking when you use the direct link to the hub using the
AMS Link ports.
TCP/IP Parameters
Use to define the hub IP address, IP subnet mask, and default
router IP address. The new parameters take effect after you
restart the hub.
Bootstrap Parameters
Use to define where the hub should boot from (local from
EEPROM or from a remote server), what SNMP protocols
should be used during the remote boot process, and the
IP address of the remote server.
Asanté recommends that you use the default setting of
Boot File Name referred to in the menu is the configura-
tion file residing in the AsantéView
AMS Images folder in the
Macintosh version, and the same directory as the AMS execut-
able (In-Band or Out-of-Band) in the Windows version
C:\AVIEW is the default). The default name is 2072h.cfg for the
2072 See the appropriate AsantéView User’s Guide
for more information.
SNMP Parameters
Use to define a variety of SNMP parameters:
❏ Read Community string
❏ Write Community string
❏ Authentication trap
❏ Trap receiver table parameters