QLS-4100 X 109
Click on the Communications tab. The following screen will appear:
Select the desired Printer Communication:
Bidirectional (recommended) - This option permits two-way communication with
the printer. The printer will report status back to the host computer via the serial
port connection. The parallel or serial port is used to transmit data to the printer.
Unidirectional - This option permits one-way communication with the printer.
The printer status cannot be transmitted back to the host when using this commu-
nication method. Unidirectional communication occurs via the parallel port or the
serial port.
Network - Used to communicate with a printer in a networked environment. Printer
status cannot be transmitted back to the host when using this communication
method. The QuickLabel Systems Windows Printer Driver must be installed to
use this communication mode.
Print to File - This communication method is used to generate ASCII label format
files and binary image/font files. No communications interface connections are
required when this option is selected.