QLS-4100 X 18
Computer Connections
The parallel interface is normally the primary method of sending data from the
host computer to the printer. A Centronics Parallel Cable is supplied with the
printer. The RS-232 Serial Port is a seconday method of sending data to the
printer, if a parallel port is not available on the host. Data transmission via the
serial port is much slower and therefore, the parallel port is recommended.
The serial port must be used to read status results when the printer is polled using
one of the status commands. Color QuickLabel
99 Pro is an example of a soft-
ware application which uses the serial port to read status from the printer. In this
case, an RS-232 serial cable is supplied with Color QuickLabel
99 Pro.
See the QuickLabel Systems Host Protocol manual for additional information on
the available status commands.
Centronics Parallel Port
Using the parallel cable supplied with the printer, connect the larger connector to
the parallel port on the printer.
Lock the two metal rings on the parallel port into the connector to secure it to the
Connect the opposite end of the parallel cable to the host computer. Be sure to
note which port (LPT1, LPT2, etc.) you have connected the printer to as this will
later be needed for driver or software setup.
The maximum recommended parallel cable length is 10 feet (3 m).