QLS-4100 X 22
Utility Port Connection
On the rear panel of the printer, the Utility Port permits connection to external
devices such as the optional QuickLabel Systems Cutter and Cutter/Stacker or
a label applicator system. The assignment of pin functions on the utility port
depends on the mode of operation. For additional information regarding
applicator mode operation, please contact QuickLabel Systems.
Standard Mode
Pin Signal Notes
1 N/C
2 Ground
3 Cutter On/Off Output (1=on 0=off)
4 5 VDC 1A max
5 Cutter Error Input (1=error 0=no error)
6 Cutter Pulse ~ 500 nsec pulse output
7 N/C
8 Pause Input (1=print 0=pause)
9 Error
Applicator Mode
Pin Signal Notes
1 N/C
2 Ground
3 Printing Output (1=printing)
4 N/C
5 N/C
6 N/C
7 N/C
8 Go Input (1=initiate print)
9 Skip/Apply Output (1=apply 0=skip)
If you are using a cutter or cutter/stacker, refer to the unit’s setup and
operation manual for information on setting up the unit with your printer.
Exceeding the limits of the utility port signals can result in damage to the