Chapter 6. Port Access
KVM Devices and Ports – Connections Page
For KVM Over the NET™ switches, the Connections page displays port status
information at the device level, and port connection configuration options at
the port level.
Device Level
When a KVM Over the NET™ switch is selected in the Sidebar, the
Connections page displays a list of ports for the device that the user is
authorized to access or view.
The following attributes are listed for each device:
Port Number – the port’s number on the switch.
Port Name – if a name has been assigned to a port it displays here.
Device Name – if a name has been assigned to the switch it displays here.
Status – the current status of the port – online, or offline.
Note: The sort order of the information displayed can be changed by clicking
the column headings.
You can access a port from the main panel either by double clicking anywhere
on its line entry, or selecting it anywhere on its line entry and clicking Connect
at the bottom right of the page.