Chapter 6. Port Access
Administrators use the Access page to set user and group access and
configuration rights for switches and ports.
Note: The Access page only appears for those users with User Management
permissions. It isn’t available for other users.
Device Level Browser GUI Interface
If a switch is chosen in the Sidebar, the Main panel looks similar to the one
shown below:
The main panel consists of two columns: Name, and Config:
Name lists all the users and groups that have been created.
Config indicates the users who have Configuration privileges. A check
mark (
√ ) indicates that the user has permission to make changes to the
switch configuration settings (see Chapter 8, Device Management); an X
means that the user is denied permission to make configuration changes.
Click the icon to toggle permission for Administrators and Users (Super
Administrators always have configuration privileges).
The Copy and Paste buttons at the bottom of the main panel provide a
shortcut method of assigning the permissions settings of one port to any of
the other ports. To do so:
1. Select the port whose permissions you want the other port(s) to follow.
2. Click Copy.
3. Select the port you want to receive the permissions.
4. Click Paste.
When you have finished making your configuration changes, click Save.