Chapter 6. Port Access
Mode Drop down the list to select a choice of power operation mode,
as follows:
Modem Ring Resume, Wake On LAN, and System after AC
Back are Safe Shutdown and Reboot options, and can be
used for scheduled restarts.
When an Outlet's Power Button is clicked OFF, the PON
device first sends a message to the computer telling it to
prepare for a shutdown; it then waits for the amount time set
in the Power Off Delay field to give the computer time to
close down, and then turns off the power.
When it is time to turn the power On, the PON device waits
for the amount time set in the Power On Delay field, and
then - depending on the mode chosen - either calls the
computer's modem or sends an Ethernet message to the
computer instructing it to start up again.
Note: Refer to your PON manual for details on setting up
Safe Shutdown and Reboot.
If Kill the Power is selected, the PON device waits for the
amount time set in the Power Off Delay field, and then turns
the Outlet's power Off. Turning the power off performs a cold
(non-safe) shutdown. There is no scheduled restart available
with this shutdown method.
Power On Delay Sets the amount of time the PON device waits after the Power
Button is clicked before it turns on the computer attached to the
corresponding outlet.
Note: The default delay time is 0 seconds; the maximum is 999
seconds. When a series of outlets are scheduled to be
powered up, they turn on in sequence with a default delay of 10
milliseconds between each outlet.
Power Off Delay Sets the amount of time the PON device waits after the Power
Button is clicked before it shuts down the computer attached to
the corresponding outlet.
For the System after AC Back option, after the delay time
expires, the PON device waits another fifteen seconds, then
shuts the computer down.
The default delay time is 15 seconds. The maximum delay time
is 999 seconds.
Heading Explanation