Chapter 10
10-6 Command Reference Guide for the Avaya P580 and P882 Multiservice Switches, v6.1
clear intelligent-multicast router-port
Command Mode Global Configuration.
Description Removes manually or dynamically added router ports.
* Note: You can remove only one router port at a time. If a router port is
configured with vlan all then you must clear it with vlan all.
Syntax clear intelligent-multicast router-port vlan {all | <vlan-id> | name <vlan-
name>} port <mod-port-spec>
Sample Output The following example removes router ports for Intelligent Multicasting on
all VLANs bound to port 3/4
(configure)# clear intelligent-multicast router-port vlan all port 3/4
Multicast Router Port successfully removed
Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Table 10-2. Parameters, Keywords, Arguments
Name Definition
vlan • all - All VLANs
• vlan-id - The numerical ID of a specific VLAN.
• name - The VLAN name.
<mod-port-spec> Switch port on a module.