Chapter 30
30-26 Command Reference Guide for the Avaya P580 and P882 Multiservice Switches, v6.1
copy tftp
Command Mode Privileged.
Description Copies the specified file from the specified TFTP server to NVRAM.
Syntax copy tftp <filename_opt_path> <ip-addr>
Sample Output The following example copies a file from a TFTP server to NVRAM.
# copy tftp jadams/test.txt
Copied file ’jadams/test.txt’ from TFTP server to ’test.txt’
Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Table 30-21. Parameters, Keywords, Arguments
Name Definition
<filename_opt_path> The name of the file on the TFTP server and in
NVRAM, which may include a relative sub-
directory name on the TFTP server. It must have a
1-8 letter base filename, and a three letter file
<ip-addr> The IP address of the TFTP server.