Document No. 10-300090, Issue 1 21-47
show port counters
Command Mode User.
Description Displays the port statistics on a module. If no <mod-num> or <mod-
swport-spec> is specified, then the port statistics for all switch ports on all
modules are displayed. If only a <mod-num> is specified, then port
statistics for all switch ports on the specified module are displayed.
Syntax show port counters [{<mod-num> | <mod-swport-spec>}]
Sample Output The following example displays the ethernet interface statistics for port 1 of
module 3.
> show port counters 3/1
Port 3/1
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Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Table 21-41. Parameters, Keywords, Arguments
Name Definition
<mod-num> Specifies the number of the module in the chassis for
which port statistics are to be displayed.
<mod-swport-spec> Specifies a particular switch port whose specific port
statistics are to be displayed.