NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010 149
Report Creation Wizard
Variable definitions
Suppressing a report section
Suppress sections to exclude the sections from the printed report.
Variable Definition
Title Type the field name. The name appears on the report.
Height Type a numeric value for the field height in pixels.
Width Type a numeric value for the field width in pixels.
Left Type a numeric value for the horizontal position of the field on the report. The
value you enter represents the number of pixels from the left margin that the
field is placed on the report.
Top Type a numeric value for the vertical position of the field on the report. The
value you enter represents the number of pixels from the top margin that the
field is placed on the report.
Format From the Format list, select a time or number format. The Format property is
available only if you select a number, currency, Date or Time data type object.
Currency From the Currency list, select a currency type. The Currency property is
available only when you select a currency data type object.
Font From the Font list, select a font type. The font type appears on the report for the
selected field. The fonts installed on the Contact Center Manager
Administration server determine the available fonts.
Attention: If an installed font on the Contact Center Manager Administration
server does not appear in the font list, the installed font can fail to meet certain
Font Color From the Font Color list, select the font color to appear on the report for the
selected field.
Font Size From the Font Size list, select the font size to appear on the report for the
selected field.
Text Align From the Text Align list, select one of the following: Right, Left, or Center. This
represents the field text placement within the field.
Bold Select the Bold check box to apply bold to the field text that appears on the
Italic Select the Italic check box to italicize the field text that appears on the report.
Underline Select the Underline check box to underline the field text that appears on the
Suppress Select the Suppress check box to suppress the field from the report.