Historical Reporting
86 NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010
Editing a report
You can edit the properties of private reports or shared reports that you create and save
in your Group folder. You can change properties such as the data range, the selection
criteria, the schedule, and the report title. You must click Save Report to save the new
You can change the properties of a public report template only if you save a copy of the
template as a shared or private report. See Creating a shared or private report
(page 81).
• Log on to Historical Reporting. See Logging on to Historical Reporting (page 74).
• Ensure that you are familiar with defining selection criteria. See Defining the
selection criteria (page 75)
• Ensure that you are familiar with scheduling reports. See Scheduling a report
(page 88)
• For network consolidated reports, you can choose the network sites or filters that
you created and saved. See Selecting the network sites for a network consolidated
report (page 93)and Applying filters to network consolidated historical reports
(page 74).
• If you edit a scheduled report, you must deactivate the schedule before you can
save your changes. See Deactivating a scheduled report (page 92).
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 In the left pane, click the server containing the report to edit.
2 Navigate to the report to edit.
The system loads the report properties, and a series of headings appears in the right
3 Click the Report Details heading.
The heading expands to reveal a series of boxes.
4 In this section, you can change information in the following boxes:
•Report Title: The title that appears at the top of the generated report. Do not
include apostrophes (’) in the report title.
• Comment: Type comments about the report.
• Save As: The name of the report. All reports saved in the same folder must have
unique names. This name cannot include apostrophes(’). You must enter a name
in this box when you save the report in a different folder. If you save the report in
the same folder and do not change this name, the system overwrites the existing
report with your new properties.