Report Creation Wizard
152 NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010
2 To sort the direction of a group, on the Sorting page, click the Groups heading.
3 To sort the direction of a field or formula, click the Fields heading.
4 Select the group, field or formula for which you want to change sort direction.
5 Select one of the following sort direction options:
• Ascending
• Descending
• Original Order (for Groups) or None (for Fields)
6 Click Save.
Sorting the order of a field or formula
Use the Sorting tab in the Report Layout window to select the sort direction of field and
formula data on the report.
• Open an existing Report Creation Wizard report in Report Creation Wizard.
• Ensure that you are familiar with the Report Layout Window.
• Assign a sort order to the selected field or formula. See Sorting the direction of a
group, field or formula (page 151).
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 In the Report Layout window, click the Sorting tab.
2 On the Sorting page, click the Fields heading.
The heading expands to reveal selected fields and formulas for the report.
3 Click the field or formula for which you want to change the sort order.
4 Use the up and down arrows to change the sort order for the selected field or formula.
Group sorts always appear first, followed by field and formula sorts.
5 Click Save.