1. Polarization 3D Kit
1.2 Installation process overview
Installation from A to Z
1. Stack the two projectors. The two projectors must be stacked using the m ultifunctional frame, which is exclusively designed
for the B arco RLM W-series projectors. S ee the installation manual (R59 05038) of the multifunctional frame (R9899700).
2. Install the 3D polarizer assembly. The 3D polarizer assembly has to be mounted on the frame of the upper projector in the
dual stack. See "Installation of the 3D polarizer assembly", page 8 .
3. Align the two stacked projectors. It is im portant that the projected images of both projectors c oincide
with each other on
the screen. See the installation manual (R5905038) of the multifunctional frame (R9899700) to align the projectors using the
adjustments on the frames.
4. Apply 3D content to t he stacked projectors. For that connect the 3D content for the left e ye with the input port of the lower
projector and the 3D content for the right eye with the input port of the upper projector.
5. Adjust the 3D polarization filters. For optimal 3D performance, the projected surface upon the polarization filters should be as
big as pos sible without loss of content. See "Adjustment the 3D polarization filters", page 11.
6. Clean the 3D polarization filters if necess ary. See "Cleaning the polariz ation filters", page 13.
7. Enable/Disable the 3D po larization filters. For 2D projection, the polarization filter has to be rem
oved from the front of the pro-
jection lens. The 3D po larization assembly is designed to shift the filters away from the projection lens. See "Enabling/Disabling
the 3D polarization filters", page 14.
R5905072 POLARIZATION 3D KIT 28/02/2011