2. Installation procedures
2.1 Installation of the 3D polarizer assembly
How to install the 3D polarizer assembly?
1. Place the 3D polarizer ass embly on top of the two stacked projectors as illustrated (image 2-1). If necessary, adjust the position
of the clamps (reference 1, ima ge 2-1) on the frame in the Y direction (reference 2, image 2-1). Release the sc rews (reference
3, image 2-1) and slide the clam ps as desired. Tighten the sc rews.
2. Secure the 3D polarizer assembly on the upper multifunctional frame by locking the clamps (reference 1, image 2-1).
Image 2-1
3. Install the filter assembly with the filters in front of the projector lenses as illustrated (image 2-2). The upper profile of the filter
assembly has two guiding bolts (reference 4, image 2-2) which slide into the profile mounted on top of the projector. Tighten the
two k nobs (reference 5, ima ge 2-2) on
top of the filter assembly to s ecure the position of the polarization filters.
R5905072 POLARIZATION 3D KIT 28/02/2011