1. Polarization 3D Kit
1.1 Introduction
The illusion of depth in a photograph, movie or other 2D image, is created by presenting a slightly different image to each eye. T he
brain puts the two pictures together to form one 3D image.
The passive p olarization 3D viewing system can be obtained with a dual projection setup.
In front of the lens of each projector, there’s a linear polarizer (reference 1, image 1 -1). The polarization for the left ey e is perpen-
dicular to the one for the right eye.
The light emitted by the projectors is projected onto and reflected by a special screen (reference 2, image 1-1) that is coated to retain
the polarization.
The images are simultaneously projected on the screen, so they overlap, resulting in a blurry image. But since the spectators are
wearing passive 3D g lasses (reference 3, image 1-1) with perpendicularly polarized lenses, they can see clear and well defined 3D
Image 1-1
Order info & content of the kit
When ordering the Polarization 3D Kit for RLM W-series, refer to article number R9864220.
The table below gives an overview of the content of the kit.
Article number Description
Quan tity
R5905072 This installation manual 1
R8760979 Frame assembly 1 image 1-2
4 image 1-3
B362188 Hamm er nut 4 image 1-4
4 image 1-5
4 R5905072 POLARIZATION 3D KIT 28/02/2011