13 Exposure Modes
The New Canon F-1 is basically a manual-exposure camera capable of through-the-
iens, full-aperture metering and stopped-down metering with the Eye-Level Finder
FN. It can be converted to automatic exposure (AE) simply by attaching the suit-
able AE accessory, such as the AE Finder FN for aperture-priority AE, or the AE
Power Winder FN or AE Motor Drive FN for shutter-priority AE. Manual exp osure
is still possible with one or both of these accessories attached.
The following exposure modes are possible with the New Canon F-1:
• Match-needle Metering
• Shutter-priority AE
• Aperture-priority AE
• Stopped-down (Fixed-index) Metering
• Stopped-down AE
Detailed information of these modes is provided in the sections entitled ”Eye-Level
Finder FN,” ”AE Finder FN,” and ”Shutter-priority AE.”
13.1 Full-aperture Metering
With a Canon FD lens, metering is done with the lens at maximum aperture. This
is called ”full-aperture metering.” The lens diaphragm does not close down until the
shutter is released. Afterwards, it reopens automatically to the maximum aperture.
One of the primary advantages of full-aperture metering is that you are able to view
and meter the subject with the viewfinder at its brightest.
1. Match-needle Metering
Set the desired shutter speed and turn the lens’ aperture ring until the meter needle
bisects the ap e rture ring. The position of the meter needle is determined by the
film sp e ed, shutter speed and the lighting conditions. This manual mode is suitable
for virtually all subjects.
2. Shutter-priority AE
Set the desired shutter speed and the camera automatically selects the proper aper-
ture according to lighting conditions. This AE mode is suitable for most subjects
but especially useful in action photography.