Power Source: One 6V lithium (Duracell PX 28L),
alkaline-manganese (Eveready [UCAR]
No. A544), or silver oxide (Eveready
[UCAR] No. 544) battery. Battery
lasts about one year under normal use.
Battery Check: By pressing battery check button. Battery
power is sufficient if the meter
needle registers above the battery
check index.
Cancellation of Camera By pressing battery check button.
Circuit: Cancels shutter operation,
self-timer operation, meter reading
and viewfinder illumination.
Multiple Exposure: Possible by engaging rewind lever
before winding film advance lever to
recock the shutter. Cancelled by
lightly pressing shutter button.
Flash Synchronization: Speeds up to 1/90 sec. with
electronic flash; FP- and M-sync
at 1/30 sec. or slower. Direct
contact at accessory shoe for
hot-shoe flash. Threaded PC socket
(JIS-B type) for cord-type flash
or multiple flash photography.
Accessory shoe has contact for
normal automatic flash and special
contact for AE flash with specified
Canon Speedlites.