
The whole numbers are for increasing exposure while the fractions are for reducing
exposure. The numbers ”2” and ”1/2” are equivalent to one f/stop (or one step of
the shutter dial), while ”4” and ”1/4” are equivalent to two f/stops (or two steps of
the shutter dial). The intermediate settings indicate increments of 1/3 f/stop. The
table above shows which settings can be used depending on the ISO film speed.
This means of exposure compensation is possible regardless of the exposure mode,
and is useful for bracketing. It is particularly advantageous for AE photography
since it allows you to adjust the exposure quickly.
IMPORTANT Once you have made an exposure correction, dc. not forget to
reset the dial to ”1.” Otherwise, all following frames will be incorrectly exposed.
3. Adjusting the ISO Rating
You can also correct exposure in manual or AE by changing the film speed setting
on the camera.
A film with an ISO rating twice that of another film requires only half the amount
of light for correct exposure. Thus if you have an ISO 100 film loaded and you wish
to underexpose the subject one f/stop, simply change the ISO setting to ISO 200.
It is possible to over- or underexpose the subject by up to two f/stops using any of
these three methods. For compensating more than two f/stops, make the adjust-
ment by changing the ISO rating or by manually setting the aperture and shutter