3 Attach the warning labels
Install the Door Control
3.1 Attach the entrapmentwarning label on the wall near the door control with tacks or staples.
3.2 Attach the manual release/safetyreverse testlabel in a visible location on the inside ofthe garage
Install the Protector System
Be sure power is NOTconnected to the garage
door opener BEFORE installing the safety
reversing sensor.
To preventSERIOUS INJURY or DEATH from
closing garage door:
• Correctlyconnectand align the safetyreversing
sensor.Thisrequired safetydevice MUST NOT
be disabled.
• Install the safetyreversing sensor so beamis
NO HIGHERthan 6" (15 cm)above garage
The safety reversingsensors must be connectedandalignedcorrectly before the garage door
openerwillmove inthe downdirection.
The sending sensor (with an amber LED) transmits an invisible lightbeam to the receiving sensor (with a
green LED).Ifan obstruction breaksthe lightbeamwhile the door isclosing,the door will stop and reverse
to the full open position,and the garage door opener lights will flash 10 times.
NOTE: For energyefficiencythe garage door opener will enter sleep mode when the door isfullyclosed.
The sleep mode shutsthe garage door opener down until activated.The sleep mode issequenced with the
garage door opener lightbulb;asthe lightbulb turnsoffthe sensor LEDs will turn off and whenever the
garage door opener lightsturn on the sensor LEDswill light. The garage door opener will notgo into the
sleep mode until the garage door opener hascompleted 5 cycles upon power up.
When installingthe safety reversingsensors check the following:
• Sensorsare installed inside the garage,one on either side ofthe door.
• Sensorsare facing each other with the lensesaligned and the receiving sensor lensdoesnot receive
• Sensorsare no more than 6 inches (15 cm) above the floor and the lightbeamisunobstructed.
Safety Reversing Sensor
6" (15 cm) max. above floor
Invisible Light
Beam Protection