To prevent NJURY frompinching,keep hands
and fingers away fromthe jointswhile assembling
the rail.
To avoidinstallationdifficulties,do not runthe
garage dooropeneruntilinstructed to doso.
1.1 Assemble the trolley by sliding the inner
trolleyinto the outer trolley.
1.2 Carefullyremove the straightdoor arm
and hanging bracketspackaged inside the
1.3 Align the rails on a flat surface asshown.
The front rail hasa cut outwindow near
the end.Make sure that the larger hole on
the frontrail isfacing up.
1.4 Slide the tapered end ofeach rail section
into the larger end of the rail section in
frontof it.The tabsalong the side will lock
in place.All holesin the rail sections
should face up.
1.5 Insert ascrewdriver into the hole shown
(thiswill temporarilykeep the trolleyfrom
sliding off the end ofthe rail).
1.6 Check to make sure thatthe 4 plasticwear
padsare inside the inner trolley.Iftheyare
missing checkall the packing material and
snap them back into place.
1.7 Slide the trolleyalong the rail toward the
screwdriver asshown.
To garage
door opener
Wear Pads
Inner Trolley
Outer Trolley
1 Assemble the rail and trolley