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4 1-4 Door ismoving stops orreverses. Manuallyopen and close the door.Checkfor binding or obstructions,such asa broken spring or door lock,
correctasneeded.If the door isbinding or sticking contacta trained door systemstechnician.Ifdoor isnot
binding or sticking attemptto reprogramtravel (refer to page 29).
4 5 Opener runs approximately 6-8",stopsand reverses. Communication error to travel module.Checktravel module connections,replace travel module if
4 6 The garage door opener will notclose and the light
Safety sensorsare misaligned or were momentarilyobstructed.Realign both sensorsto ensure both LEDs
are steady and notflickering. Make sure nothing ishanging or mounted on the door thatwould interrupt
the sensor’spath while closing.
The garage door openercanbeepforseveralreasons:
• Operating on batterypower or the 12 Vdc batteryneedsto be replaced,see page 32.
• Garage door opener has been activated through a device or feature such as Timer-to-
Close or garage door monitor,see page 35.
My remote controlwillnot activate the garage door:
• Verifythe lock feature isnot activated on the door control.
• Reprogramthe remote control.
• Ifthe remote control will still notactivate the door checkthe diagnosticcodesto ensure
the garage door opener is working properly.
My doorwillnot close andthe light bulbs blink onmy motorunit:
The safetyreversing sensor mustbe connected and aligned correctlybefore the garage
door opener will move in the down direction.
• Verifythe safetysensorsare properlyinstalled,aligned and free ofanyobstructions.
My garage dooropenerlight(s) willnot turnoff whenthe dooris open:
The garage door opener isequipped with a feature thatturns the lighton when the safetyreversing sensors
have been obstructed or when the motion sensor on the door control detectsmovement in the garage.These
featurescan be disabled using the door control,see page 35.
My neighbor’s remote controlopens my garage door:
Erase the memoryfromyour garage door opener and reprogram the remote control(s).
The LEDs onthe doorcontrolblink:
Ifyou have aSmartControl Panel installed and the TTCissetto a custom time,pressthe ONbutton on the
PremiumMotion-Detecting Control Panel to set the time properly.
My vehicle's Homelink
is not programming tomy garage dooropener:
Depending on the make,model,and year ofyour vehicle an external adapter maybe required.Visit
www.homelink.comfor additional inforamtion.