Carton Inventory
Your garage door opener is packaged in one carton which containsthe motor unitand all partsillustrated below.Accessoriesvarydepending on the garage door opener model purchased.Depending on your
model,other accessoriesmaybe included with your garage door opener.Instructions for these accessorieswill be attached to the accessoryand are notincluded in thismanual.If anything ismissing,carefully
check the packing material.Partsmaybe stuck in the foam.Hardware for assemblyand installation isshown on the nextpage.Save the carton and packing material until the installation and adjustmentis
complete. The imagesthroughout thismanual are for reference onlyand your productmaylookdifferent.
A. Header bracket
B. Pulley
C. Door bracket
D. Curved door arm
E. Straightdoor arm
(Packagedinsiderail section)
F. Trolley
NOTE: Be sure toassemblethetrolley
before slidingontorail.
G. Emergency release rope andhandle
H. Rail (1front and4 center sections)
I. Hangingbrackets (2)
(Packagedinsiderail section)
J. Garage door opener
K. Sprocket cover andscrews
L. “U” bracket
M. Belt
N. Door control (Motion-Detecting Control
Panel or Smart Control Panel
O. Remotecontrol
P. The Protector System
Safety reversingsensors with2conductor
whiteand white/black wireattached:
SendingSensor (1), ReceivingSensor (1),
and Safety Sensor Brackets (2)
Whiteand red/whitewire
Owner's manual