Diagnostic Chart
Your garage door opener is programmed with self-diagnostic capabilities.The UP and DOWNarrowson the garage door opener flash the diagnosticcodes.
Up Arrow
Down Arrow
1 1 The garage door opener will notclose and the light
Safety sensorsare notinstalled,connected,or wiresmaybe cut.Inspectsensor wires for a
disconnected or cutwire.
1 2 The garage door opener will notclose and the light
There isa shortor reversed wire for the safetysensors.Inspectsafetysensor wire atall staple and
connection points,replace wire or correctasneeded
1 3 The door control will notfunction. The wires for the door control are shorted or the door control isfaulty.Inspectsafetysensor wire atall
staple pointsand connection pointsand replace wire or correct as needed.
1 4 The garage door opener will notclose and the light
Safety sensorsare misaligned or were momentarilyobstructed.Realign both sensorsto ensure both
LEDsare steadyand notflickering. Make sure nothing ishanging or mounted on the door thatwould
interruptthe sensor’spath while closing.
1 5 Door moves6-8" stops or reverses. Manuallyopen and close the door. Checkfor binding or obstructions,such asa broken spring or door
lock,correctasneeded.Checkwiring connections at travel module and atthe logicboard.Replace
travel module ifnecessary.
No movement,onlya single click. Manuallyopen and close the door.Check for binding or obstructions,such as abroken spring or door
lock,correctasneeded.Replace logicboard ifnecessary.
Opener humsfor 1-2 secondsno movement. Manuallyopen and close the door.Checkfor binding or obstructions,such asa broken spring or door
lock,correctasneeded.Replace motor ifnecessary.
1 6 Door coastsafter ithascome to a complete stop. Program travel to coasting position or have door balanced by atrained door systemstechnician.
2 1-5 No movement,or sound. Replace logicboard.
3 2 Unable to setthe travel or retain position. Check travel module for proper assembly,replace ifnecessary.
3 3 The batterystatusLED isconstantly flashing green. Battery backup charging circuiterror, replace the logicboard.