7702CB Outside Quick Release:
Required for a garage with NO
41A5281 ExtensionBrackets:
(Optional) For safetyreversing
sensor installation onto the wall or
CLSS1 System Surge Protector:
The Garage Door Opener
Surge Protector is designed to
protectChamberlain garage
door openersagainstdamage
fromlightning and power
surges.Easyto install.
953EV Remote Control:
Works with ALL Chamberlain openersfrom
1993-present.MyQ™ compatible.Includes
visor clip.
8 Foot (2.4 m) RailExtension:
To allowan 8 foot(2.4 m) door to
open fully.
PILCEV MyQ™ Remote Light Control:
Control home lighting and garage
doorswith one remote.For use with
plug-in lamps.Synchronize to work
with MyQ™ compatible garage
door openersand remote controls.
AGDMEV MyQ™ Garage Door Monitor:
Monitor open/closed statusfor
up to 4 MyQ™ compatible
garage door openers and
close themfromanywhere in
the home.
956EV KeychainRemote Control:
Works with ALL Chamberlain openersfrom
1993-present.MyQ™ compatible.With key
8810CB 10 Foot (3 m) RailExtension:
To allowa 10 foot(3 m) door to
open fully.
CLLP1 LaserParkingAssistant:
Parkin the rightspoteverytime!A
laser beam is activated by your
garage door opener and projected
on to the dashboard ofyour vehicle
to guide perfectparking.
41A6357-1 Standby PowerSystem
Providesbackup power to the
garage door opener.
940EV Wireless Keypad:
For use outside ofthe home to enable
accessto the garage using a 4-digitPIN.
Works with ALL Chamberlain openersfrom
1993-present.MyQ™ compatible.