Cisco Catalyst Switch Module 3110 and 3012 for IBM BladeCenter Software Configuration Guide
Appendix B Working with the Cisco IOS File System, Configuration Files, and Software Images
Working with the Flash File System
This example shows how to create a file. This command writes the contents of the new-configs directory
on the local flash device to a file named saved. on the TFTP server at
Switch# archive /create tftp: flash:/new-configs
This example shows how to display the contents of a switch file that is in flash memory:
Switch# archive /table flash:cbs31x0-universal-mz.122-40.xx.
info (219 bytes)
cbs31x0-universal-mz.122-40.xx/ (directory)
cbs31x0-universal-mz.122-40.xx/html/ (directory)
cbs31x0-universal-mz.122-40.xx/html/foo.html (0 bytes)
cbs31x0-universal-mz.122-40.xx/cbs31x0-universal-mz.122-40.xx.bin (610856 bytes)
cbs31x0-universal-mz.122-40.xx/info (219 bytes)
This example shows how to display only the /html directory and its contents:
Switch# archive /table flash: cbs31x0-universal-mz.122-40/html
cbs31x0-universal-mz.122-40.xx/html/ (directory)
cbs31x0-universal-mz.122-40.xx/html/const.htm (556 bytes)
cbs31x0-universal-mz.122-40.xx/html/xhome.htm (9373 bytes)
cbs31x0-universal-mz.122-40.xx/html/menu.css (1654 bytes)
<output truncated>
This example shows how to extract the contents of a file located on the TFTP server at
Switch# archive /xtract tftp:/ flash:/new-configs
This example shows how to display the contents of a configuration file on a TFTP server:
Switch# more tftp://serverA/hampton/savedconfig
! Saved configuration on server
version 12.2
service timestamps log datetime localtime
Step 3
archive /xtract source-url
flash:/file-url [dir/file...]
Extract a file into a directory on the flash file system.
For source-url, specify the source URL alias for the local file system. The
-filename. is the file from which to extract files. These options are supported:
• local flash file system syntax:
• FTP syntax:
• RCP syntax:
• TFTP syntax:
For flash:/file-url [dir/file...], specify the location on the local flash file system
from which the file is extracted. Use the dir/file... option to specify a list of files
or directories within the file to be extracted. If none are specified, all files and
directories are extracted.
Step 4
more [/ascii | /binary | /ebcdic]
Display the contents of any readable file, including a file on a remote file
Command Purpose