Cisco Catalyst Switch Module 3110 and 3012 for IBM BladeCenter Software Configuration Guide
resets, in BGP 38-56
resetting a UDLD-shutdown interface 28-6
responder, IP SLAs
described 41-4
enabling 41-8
response time, measuring with IP SLAs 41-4
restricted VLAN
configuring 9-35
described 9-14
using with IEEE 802.1x 9-14
restricting access
NTP services 6-8
overview 7-1
passwords and privilege levels 7-2
TACACS+ 7-10
retry count, VMPS, changing 12-32
reverse address resolution 38-10
Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
1112, IP multicast and IGMP 23-2
1157, SNMPv1 32-2
1166, IP addresses 38-8
1305, NTP 6-2
1587, NSSAs 38-31
1757, RMON 30-2
1901, SNMPv2C 32-2
1902 to 1907, SNMPv2 32-2
2236, IP multicast and IGMP 23-2
2273-2275, SNMPv3 32-2
advertisements 38-21
authentication 38-24
configuring 38-22
default configuration 38-22
described 38-21
for IPv6 39-23
hop counts 38-21
RIP (continued)
split horizon 38-25
summary addresses 38-25
support for 1-12
default configuration 30-3
displaying status 30-6
enabling alarms and events 30-3
groups supported 30-2
overview 30-1
collecting group Ethernet 30-5
collecting group history 30-5
support for 1-13
root guard
described 19-10
enabling 19-18
support for 1-8
root switch
MSTP 18-17
STP 17-16
route calculation timers, OSPF 38-38
route dampening, BGP 38-68
routed packets, ACLs on 34-38
routed ports
configuring 38-6
defined 10-4
IP addresses on 10-21, 38-6
route-map command 38-96
route maps
BGP 38-59
policy-based routing 38-94
router ACLs
defined 34-2
types of 34-4
route reflectors, BGP 38-67
router ID, OSPF 38-40
route selection, BGP 38-57
route summarization, OSPF 38-38