Cisco Catalyst Switch Module 3110 and 3012 for IBM BladeCenter Software Configuration Guide
Appendix B Working with the Cisco IOS File System, Configuration Files, and Software Images
Working with Configuration Files
Clearing the Startup Configuration File
To clear the contents of your startup configuration, use the erase nvram: or the erase startup-config
privileged EXEC command.
Caution You cannot restore the startup configuration file after it has been deleted.
Deleting a Stored Configuration File
To delete a saved configuration from flash memory, use the delete flash:filename privileged EXEC
command. Depending on the setting of the file prompt global configuration command, you might be
prompted for confirmation before you delete a file. By default, the switch prompts for confirmation on
destructive file operations. For more information about the file prompt command, see the Cisco IOS
Command Reference for Release 12.2.
Caution You cannot restore a file after it has been deleted.
Replacing and Rolling Back Configurations
The configuration replacement and rollback feature replaces the running configuration with any saved
Cisco IOS configuration file. You can use the rollback function to roll back to a previous configuration.
These sections contain this information:
• Understanding Configuration Replacement and Rollback, page B-20
• Configuration Guidelines, page B-21
• Configuring the Configuration Archive, page B-22
• Performing a Configuration Replacement or Rollback Operation, page B-23
Understanding Configuration Replacement and Rollback
To use the configuration replacement and rollback feature, you should understand these concepts:
• Archiving a Configuration, page B-20
• Replacing a Configuration, page B-21
• Rolling Back a Configuration, page B-21
Archiving a Configuration
The configuration archive provides a mechanism to store, organize, and manage an archive of
configuration files. The configure replace privileged EXEC command increases the configuration
rollback capability. As an alternative, you can save copies of the running configuration by using the copy
running-config destination-url privileged EXEC command, storing the replacement file either locally
or remotely. However, this method lacks any automated file management. The configuration replacement
and rollback feature can automatically save copies of the running configuration to the configuration