Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 44 Configuring HSRP
Displaying HSRP Configurations
Troubleshooting HSRP for Mixed Stacks of Catalyst 3750-X, 3750-E and 3750
If one of the situations in Table 44-2 occurs, this message appears:
%FHRP group not consistent with already configured groups on the switch stack - virtual
MAC reservation failed
Displaying HSRP Configurations
From privileged EXEC mode, use this command to display HSRP settings:
show standby [int
erface-id [group]] [brief] [detail]
You can display HSRP information for the whole sw
itch, for a specific interface, for an HSRP group, or
for an HSRP group on an interface. You can also specify whether to display a concise overview of HSRP
information or detailed HSRP information. The default display is detail. If there are a large number of
HSRP groups, using the show standby command without qualifiers can result in an unwieldy display.
This is a an example of output from the sho
w standby privileged EXEC command, displaying HSRP
information for two standby groups (group 1 and group 100):
Switch# show standby
VLAN1 - Group 1
Local state is Standby, priority 105, may preempt
Hellotime 3 holdtime 10
Next hello sent in 00:00:02.182
Hot standby IP address is configured
Active router is expires in 00:00:09
Standby router is local
Standby virtual mac address is 0000.0c07.ac01
Name is bbb
VLAN1 - Group 100
Local state is Active, priority 105, may preempt
Hellotime 3 holdtime 10
Next hello sent in 00:00:02.262
Hot standby IP address is configured
Active router is local
Standby router is unknown expired
Standby virtual mac address is 0000.0c07.ac64
Name is test
Ta ble 44-2 Troubleshooting HSRP
Situation Action
You configure more than 32 HSRP group instances. Remove HSRP groups so that up to 32 group instances are
You configure HSRP for IPv4 and HSRP for IPv6 at the same
Configure either HSRP for IPv4 or HSRP for IPv6 on the
You configure group numbers that are not in valid ranges of
Configure group numbers in a valid range.